The Laacher See Tephra at Horgen-Scheller

The Laacher See Tephra details at Horgen-Scheller


Profile name:Zürichsee: cores 546 & 1114
Other information:Phase: ULST. Primary deposit. S fan.


The data on this page is from the following source(s). If you use this data please acknowledge the source of the data. For full information it is always important to consult the original source.

Magny, M (2001) Palaeohydrological changes as reflected by lake-level fluctuations in the Swiss Plateau, the Jura Mountains and the northern French Pre-Alps during the Last Glacial-Holocene transition: a regional synthesis. Global and Planetary Change  30, 85-101.

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This Tephrabase search was made on 20/9/2024 at 23:17:50 local time, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.