Tephrostratigraphy Site-Profile Selector - Richard Streeter's data

Profiles for stratigraphic column generation can be chosen by either entering up to six profile numbers into the boxes below, or by clicking on a given marker and hitting the button in the text bubble to add that site profile to the list automatically.

Enter Profile Number 1:
Enter Profile Number 2:
Enter Profile Number 3:
Enter Profile Number 4:
Enter Profile Number 5:
Enter Profile Number 6:

These sites are from Richard Streeter's PhD project and details can be found in the following publication:
Streeter, R. and Dugmore, A. (2014) Late-Holocene land surface change in a coupled social ecological system, southern Iceland: a cross-scale tephrochronology approach. Quaternary Science Reviews 86, 99-114. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.12.016