Kebister, Shetland, Scotland

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This page contains the results of your search. It is divided into two sections. The first contains information about any tephra layers present at the site and the second part contains details about the source references and the date and time of the search.

Your search has found 2 Tephra layers at Kebister

Site Type Area Latitude LongitudeGrid reference Altitude (m)
Terrestrial Scotland, Shetland 60.1800°N 1.1600°W HU463459 30
Profile Tephra Layer
NoNameTotal Profile Depth (m)TypeCorrelated name1Local name2Tephra Depth (m)CommentsGeochemical dataRef
20 Profile 1 2.90 Gravity core
Hekla S Tephra
(Kebister Tephra)
1.090 - 1.090*CryptotephraView Data853
Hekla 4 Tephra 1.200 - 1.260*CryptotephraView Data853


*Note that the Tephra layer depth of a cryptotephra does not indicate the thickness of the layer, as in a visible tephra tephra layer. The thickness indicates the spread of the tephra shards in the sediment or sometimes the top and bottom depths are the same (i.e. no apparent thickness).

1Correlated tephra name means that the tephra deposit has been correlated with a tephra horizon found at multiple sites (e.g. Hekla 4). Of course, these correlations could be reinterpreted and care needs to be taken.

2Local tephra name is the name given by the researchers for the tephra found at the site, this is often a mixture of a site code/name and the depth of the tephra. Not all tephra layers in Tephrabase have a local name, but more or being added. This is independent of any correlations to other tephra deposits.


The data on this page is from the following source(s). If you use this data please acknowledge the source of the data. The number preceding each reference matches the Ref number on the data table above.

853: Dugmore, A.J., Larsen, G, and Newton, A.J.  1995  Seven tephra isochrones in Scotland. The Holocene  5/3, 257-266.

Data Sources

All of the data contained in this database is either published or donated. When using the data, acknowledgement must be made of the original source of the data and that the data was obtained from Tephrabase. See Copyright information.

This Tephrabase search was made on 22/10/2024 at 17:59:01 local time, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.