Laacher See Tephra Sites in Italy

Tephrabase has found 2 sites in Italy

All 2 sites displayed on the map are listed and ordered by country and site name below the map.

View sites where the Laacher See Tephra has been geochemically analysed.

More information about the sites displayed on the map above can be obtained by clicking on the symbols and then the site name which appears in the bubble. Use the zoom and drag controls to change your view. You can also click on any site names in the list below.

The location of the Laacher See volcano is also shown, although you may need to zoom out or zoom in to see this. More data, including geochemistry will be added to the Laacher See sites soon. Details about the Laacher See data can be found here.

Site NameAreaCountryLatitudeLongitudeVent distance (km)Altitude (m)
Torbiere di Trana Piemonte Italy 45.026389°N 7.424°E 599
Lago Piccolo di Avigliana Turin Italy 45.053889°N 7.394°E 596

Data Sources

All of the data contained in this database is either published or donated. When using the data, acknowledgement must be made of the original source of the data and that the data was obtained from Tephrabase. See Copyright information.

This Tephrabase search was made on 27/7/2024 at 05:40:19 local time, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.