Area: | Rheinland-Pfalz |
Country: | Germany |
Latitude: | 50.100556°N |
Longitude: | 6.758°E |
Vent distance: | 50 km |
Altitude: | n/a |
Profile name: | cores 1992 & 1996 |
Tephra thickness: | 7 cm |
Other information: | Primary deposit. Near-vent deposit. |
The data on this page is from the following source(s). If you use this data please acknowledge the source of the data. For full information it is always important to consult the original source.
Brauer, A, Endres, C and Negendank, JFW (1999) Lateglacial calendar year chronology based on annually laminated sediments from Lake Meerfelder Maar, Germany. Quaternary International 61, 17-25.
Litt, T, Schmincke, HU and Kromer, B (2003) Environmental response to climatic and volcanic events in central Europe during the Weichselian Lateglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 7-32.
van den Bogaard, P., and Schminke, V. (1985) Laacher See tephra: A widespread isochronous late Quaternary tephra layer in cental and northern Europe. Geological Society of America Bulletin 96(12), 1554-1571.
All of the data contained in this database is either published or donated. When using the data, acknowledgement must be made of the original source of the data and that the data was obtained from Tephrabase. See Copyright information.
This Tephrabase search was made on 13/10/2024 at 20:47:52 local time, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.