Tephrabase: Iceland/Europe Site Search

From this page it is possible to search for sites where tephra layers have been found. For example, my selecting Scotland, all of the sites where tephra layers have been found in Scotland will be listed. If you select Scotland and Hekla 4 Tephra, all of the sites where Hekla 4 has been found in Scotland will be displayed. By only selecting Hekla 4 Tephra and not specifying a country, all of the sites where Hekla 4 has been found will be shown.

Selecting a tephra layer

A tephra layer can be known under a range of different names. Below you can find a summary of correlated tephra names available in the search drop down together with a list of alternative names.

Tephra Alternative names
860 AD Layer part A TephraAD 860 A
860 AD Layer part B TephraAD 860 B
Askja 1875 TephraA-1875, A1875
Askja-S TephraAskja Tephra, Askja 10K, Askja 10000
Eldgjá TephraEldgja 935, E-935, E-939, Eldgja 939, Eldgjá 939, Eldgjá 934, Eldgja 934, Eldgjá 935
Ey Ha/b TephraE500
Eyjafjallajökull 1821 TephraEy-1821, Eyjafjallajokull 1821
Grained LayerLayer St
Hekla 1104 TephraH1104, H-1104, Hekla 1, H1, H-1
Hekla 1158 TephraH1158, H-1158
Hekla 1206 TephraH1206, H-1206
Hekla 1300 TephraH1300, H-1300
Hekla 1341 TephraH1341, H-1341
Hekla 1389 TephraH1389, H-1389
Hekla 1510 TephraH1510, H-1510
Hekla 1597 TephraH1597, H-1597
Hekla 1845 TephraH1845, H-1845
Hekla 1947 TephraH1947, H-1947
Hekla 3 TephraH3, H-3
Hekla 4 TephraH4, H-4
Hekla 5 TephraH5, H-5
Hekla S TephraHekla-S, H-S, Kebister, H-S, Hekla-Selsund
Hverfjall TephraHv
Katla 1000 (K-X) TephraK1000, K-1000, K-X
Katla 1262 TephraK1262, K-1262
Katla 1357 TephraK1357, K-1357
Katla 1416 TephraK1416, K-1416
Katla 1500 TephraK1500, K-1500
Katla 1612 TephraK1612, K-1612
Katla 1625 TephraK1625, K-1625
Katla 1660 TephraK1660, K-1660
Katla 1721 TephraK1721, K-1721
Katla 1755 TephraK1755, K-1755
Katla 1823 TephraK1823, K-1823
Katla 1918 TephraK1918, K-1918
Katla 920 TephraK920, K-920, K~920
Laki 1783 TephraL1783, L-1783, Lakagígar 1783
Landnám TephraLandnám, Landnám Tephra Layer, Landnam Tephra Layer, LTL, Settlement Layer, V-871, Vö-900, Vö-870, Vatnaöldur ~870, Landnámslag, VII a+b, VII a, VII b, Landnam 871, Lándnam 871, V871, V-871 ± 2, V871 ± 2, Landnam Tephra
OMH-185 (Microlite) TephraMicrolite, OMH-185 Population 1
SILK-UN TephraUpper Needle Layer
SILK-YN TephraLayer Y
Saksunarvatn TephraG10ka Series, Saksunarvatn Ash
V-Sv TephraVeiðivötn 10th century Tephra, V~950, V~940
Veiðivötn 1159 TephraVeidivotn 1159, V-1159, V1159
Veiðivötn 1477 TephraVeidivotn 1477, V-1477, V1477, Veiðivötn-Barðabunga 1477
Veiðivötn 1717 TephraVeidivotn 1717, V-1717, V1717, Veiðivötn-Barðabunga 1717
White River Ash east860 AD Layer part A Tephra
Öræfajökull 1362 TephraOraefajokull 1362, O1362, Ö1362, O-1362, Ö-1362
Öræfajökull 1727 TephraOraefajokull 1727, O1727, Ö1727, O-1727, Ö-1727

Data Sources

All of the data contained in this database is either published or donated. When using the data, acknowledgement must be made of the original source of the data and that the data was obtained from Tephrabase. See Copyright information.

This Tephrabase search was made on 22/10/2024 at 17:59:01 local time, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.